Monday, September 30, 2019

Change Management Plan and Communication Plan Essay

Workers react to change differently and often feel threatened by it. Reaction to workplace transformations usually manifests itself in one of three ways. There is proactive reaction that sees change as an opportunity to try new and improved things. Reactive workers resist change and try to keep things as they were. Inactive employees take the neutral position and straddle the fence watching the struggle between other employees. Older workers within the company tend to resist change because they want to do things the old way. Employees may feel a loss of identity. They may feel a loss of control. Workers also experience a loss of meaning, belonging, and even a loss of their future. Trying to make the changes seem positive does not erase the uncertainty, rumors, or the ambiguity (Jones, 2011). Managers should strategize on the best way to enforce any changes at Riordan Manufacturing. There should be some expectation of resistance in regard to any change. There should be time restraints and deadlines put into place. The changing process may affect deadlines until everyone is on task with the operational changes and new policies. Managers must plan ahead for any resistance at Riordan. Forming task teams that oversee each department affected by the changes over the next 12 months is one strategy that can prove useful. New goals and expectations as a result of the changes should be outlined and followed. There should be effective communication skills with floor managers and employees (Gul & Sahin, 2011). The process can run smoother if the employees at Riordan feel motivated, and teamwork encouraged. There will be employee evaluations over the next year to monitor the success or failure of the changes. New system changes, problems, and success will be determined weekly in a detailed report. The reports from the task team and the floor managers will determine the feasibility of the changes. Employees will be required to take assessments to ensure that they fully understand the new operations. New records will be maintained,  updated, and signed by each employee. Training and educational courses will be provided, including computer classes. References Gul, H., & Sahin, K. (2011). The Information Society and Public Employees Perception of Transformational Leadership. Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute Journal(25), p237-249. doi:64368178 Jones, T. (2011, January). Use Resistance to Enact Workplace Change. Business Journal Serving Fresno & the Central San Joaquin Valley, p.11. doi:10797394

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Differences Btwn Lpn and Rn

THE DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN A LPNS AND RNS RAHAB KAIRU TRANSITION TO THE RN 03/28/2013 THE DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES BETWEEN LPNS AND RNS In today’s society its maybe difficult to differentiate between LPNs and RNs, this is usually because of the socialeconomic values and more availabilities of LPNs than RNs and also because there some similarities between LPNs and RNs. The differences start right from school. While most LPNs programs are a one year programs and LPNs get a diploma, most RN programs are at least 2 year program they get an associate degree.RNs and LPNs take two different exams, the RN exam is more comprehensive and more indepth as compared to LPNs exams. RNs take NCLEX-RN while LPN take NCLEX-RN. In some states there are maybe different board of nursing that deal with either LPNs and RNs, example in California ther is California board of RN and Californa board of vocational nursing and phychiatrist Technicians. RNs study is more in depth, have al ot more prerequisites as compared to LPNs.RNs have more knowledge in psychology , clinical, assessment and management skills. LPNs work under direct supervison of an RN or a Doctor while RNs work independently under doctors orders. LPNs may not be allowed to do somefuctions such as initial assessment during patient admission or some procedures such as IV therapy, they may monitor IV therapy and report to an RN,while RNs have no restrictions. LPNs are usually in the nursing pool while RN do most of the management.There is also a difference in pay. RNs make more money compared to LPNs. RNs have more career opportunities, while LPNs are more restricted on their choices. Most hospitals do not hire LPNs. Its also easier for an RN to advance in educations as compared to LPNs; there are more online schools and different specialization that an RN can choose. Some of the similarity between lpn and RNs are that they are closely regulated by the board of nursing and always have to be in compli ance.Both have to take countinuing education to maintain their licences. In most states the LPN and RNs salary falls in the same tax bracket. Lisa M Shaffer BSN,RN and Kathy Johnson,BSN,RN and Carolyn Guinn,Msn,RN. (March 2010) Remedifying role confusion; Diffrentiating between RN and LPN roles. Vol. 5 No. 3 Retrived from http://www. americannursetoday. com/article. aspx? id=6382 Beth Greenwood. (2002) RN vs LPN Responsibilities. Demand media. Retrived from: http://work. chron. com/lpn-vs-rn-responsibilities-5379. html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Informed Consent in Medical Malpractice Research Paper

Informed Consent in Medical Malpractice - Research Paper Example A set of regulations that govern malpractice lawsuits differs from one state to another. Medical malpractice is not a different tort, instead, the tort of negligence. In this vein, elements of medical malpractice are not different from those of negligence. These are violation, causation, duty, and damages. They are normally framed in health jargon, but are similar to the four mentioned elements that apply to negligence. One of the vital aspects that come up in medical malpractice is that medical practitioners are regarded as individuals who should give very high levels of care than the normal layman. The standard of care reflects what is supposed to be undertaken with regard to the prevailing conditions. Health professionals are expected to render standards of care as would have done a reasonable health practitioner under similar conditions. Medical malpractice takes place when a health professional does not deliver duties to the degree that a plausible health professional would have rendered under the same conditions. If a qualified health specialist had taken the same method or treatment in question, under the same conditions, then medical malpractice would therefore not have taken place. Other specific aspects in medical malpractice entail errors in diagnosis, treatment matters, and difficulties in communication, prescription errors, and falls. For instance, if a medical officer fails to diagnose the plaintiff’s case in a desired way, then the medical officer may be said to have violated the standard of care he or she was supposed to have accorded the plaintiff. The standard of care to be used by health professionals is dictated to some degree, by reference to instructions and rules, state practice procedures, facility laws and methods, equipment literature, job explanation, health information and legal cases. A health provider must possess a suitable license failure of which may be evident enough that the health provider was

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Asian Financial Crises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

The Asian Financial Crises - Essay Example The result was a much deeper Crisis than was necessary or inevitable ( Radelet and Sachs, 1998, p 12). † Asian financial crises led to the development of technology or psychology. Also, the availability of credit led to the creation of a leveraged economic environment and led to increases in the prices of assets to a level which the Asian countries could not sustain. The increase in asset prices, at last, collapsed, making companies and individuals fail to meet their debt obligations. If it could not be for the collapsing of the companies and organizations, the Asian countries would be far ahead with developments. The withdrawal of loans by the lenders also played a major role in development in Asian countries. The government of these countries had to implement new strategies that would not lead to declining of the standards of living of the people. They sought to borrow from the IMF and to refund at a certain interest. In addition, the exchange markets were engulfed with foreign currencies, hence depreciation on their currencies. In order to prevent loss of value of their currencies, the Asian country's government raised their interest rates so that they could attract foreign investors. These governments also intervened in the exchange markets by buying the excess currencies in the market at a fixed rate though neither of all these policies was sustained for long. Without the panic and contagion, the Asian countries were so stable and they were to be amongst the leading developed countries in the world. ‘‘ In fact, a socially irrational response in the sense that, without the panic, the situation was reasonably stable - the debt could have been repaid on plausible assumptions about the economic performance of companies, banks, and economies (Wade, 1998, p 2). †

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Song's Copyright Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Song's Copyright - Assignment Example For musicians, copyrights are designed to protect their songs from unauthorized reproduction or copying of the work (Atkinson, 2011). Consumers can purchase songs for use in their homes only. When they want to use certain songs for public performance or advertising, they need to gain the rights to do so. To gain the rights, consumers can enter into rights-managed contracts, where they pay royalties based on the number of times they want to use a particular song or several songs. The payable royalty fee is also determined by the number of people who will hear it and the location in which will be played (Berne, 1975). Copyrights laws in Canada extend to both the nationals of Canada and foreign nationals. The foreign nationals are limited to the members of Berne conventional countries. Substantial amendments were made in Canada to the copyright Act in 2012. The amendments were aimed at modernization of the Canadian copyright law. The United states also have their copyrights laws which have several similarities and differences with the Canadian copyrights laws. Both countries confer protection to artistic work based on the concept of originality (Bogsch, 1986). The Canadian Act recognizes artistic works, musical, dramatic, and original literacy. The U.S Act protects and recognizes ‘works of authorship’ as a general name for artistic works. There are no requirements for registration of copyright in Canada. The registration confers particular presumptive benefits in the country. Lack of copyright registration in the U.S limits some available remedies. Canada prohibits the sale and use of technological designs to circumvent protection measures technological wise. In the U.S the law on technological designs is similar to the one in Canada (Buckingam, 1836). Internet service providers are protected by the Canadian copyrights Act. They are protected when they are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


POLICY ANALYSIS - CONTRACEPTIVE COVERAGE - Assignment Example I have reviewed actuarial studies, empirical evidence, and public programmatic efforts regarding contraceptive coverage in order to determine the cost to the consumer, to employers, and general costs incurred within the healthcare system. Annually, it is known that public funding for contraceptive coverage aids in the prevention of almost two million unplanned pregnancies, including approximately 400,000 teen pregnancies (Bertko, 2012). Therefore, 860,000 unintended births, 810,000 abortions, and 270,000 miscarriages are prevented annually; also, those who receive public funding are typically eligible for Medicaid prenatal, delivery, and postpartum services (Bertko, 2012). As a result, for every dollar spent for public funding of birth control, there is a cost savings of four dollars because unplanned births do not occur (Bertko, 2012). In comparison of 15 different types of contraception, it was determined that the copper-T IUD offered the most cost savings over a five-year period, at $14,122 (Trussell, 1995). Oral contraceptives during the same period cost $1,784 and saved $12,879 per person, while also preventing 4.1 unplanned pregnancies (Trussell, 1995). Although contraceptive coverage costs $100-600 annually, the risk of pregnancy drops from 85 percent to 9 percent with birth control pills and under one percent for patients who use the IUD or hormone implant (Liebman, 2014). Over a two-year period, contraceptive methods yield cost savings in the range of $5,907 - $9,936 (Sonnenberg, 2004). At the same time, the cost of payout for a vaginal delivery is $18,329 and $27,866 for a C-section (Liebman, 2014). It is also anticipated that if employers do not provide contraceptive coverage, they will end up paying an additional 15-17 percent due to the costs associated with pregnancy and childbirth (Awhonn, 2009). In 2013, women who had prescriptions for birth control pills saved an

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Marketing Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Marketing Term Paper - Essay Example Therefore, they more or less stuck to their pricing levels in US and tried to bring in quality and technology to ensure that the product tasted better and was more nutritional. The re-entry in case of Kellogg was in terms of price. The war in the middle class consumer products is over the price. Kellogg had to compete with Mohun which has been in the market prior to Kellogg's entry. Mohun and another of the competitors, Champion were both pricing their products at a much lesser price compared to the one Kellogg did. Kellogg however, was sure of the strategy and continued with the same pricing strategy of being the premium brand among corn flakes. Though of course, the other two offered by Kellogg, the wheat and the rice flakes did not do well in the market and had to be slashed down. On analysis of the first two to three years of Kellogg business in India, it is seen that the company has not spent enough efforts in understanding the consumer preference in the market. A large percent of the upper and middle class consumers will not be having their breakfast. In addition to this, most of the people who do take breakfast would like to have something that 'fil ls' the stomach. More likely Indian alternatives like idli and vada dominated the breakfast scene in most houses rather than any other. The cereal breakfast concept did not just pick up and was viewed mostly as a health issue. Only those people who were either sick or otherwise not healthy would go for cereal food. Therefore, number of people who would be continuous or regular buyers of corn flakes was becoming lesser. As their study shows only 2% of the buyers were regular buyer which is not what Kellogg wanted to have. Kellogg had launched during its re-entry, the chocos which is corn flakes coated with chocolate. This was a roaring success and the market immediately picked up. Kellogg could corner nearly 57% of the market share in the Indian market. In addition to this, Kellogg had other products in the pipe line to suit the taste of the Indian consumer. Indian consumers want their breakfast to be filling, nutritious and less costly. It was not expected to be fun. But when the Chocos was introduced with a fun element to it, it immediately appealed to the kids and it took over the morning breakfast from the noodles and idlis for the children. Kellogg therefore had to ensure that the fun factor in the breakfast cereals continued. In line with this, Kellogg further went ahead and released the biscuits with the same brand, the Chocos and another line of special corn flakes primarily aimed at the growing Indian breakfast eaters. It had the mazaa in it; special flavours exclusively developed for the Ind ian market. On analysing further the status of the corn flakes market, it could be seen that the company was aiming at improving their continued domination of the market and might better their share. But the market itself if small and has to be increased to ensure that there is adequate growth for the company in real terms. This was taken care of in the third approach that Kellogg had. They planned to educate the people and distributed free samples to the students and the target customers so that they might get converted. In the course of time, the effect could be felt. Kellogg was intent on weaning the people who starved away the morning and then slowly

Monday, September 23, 2019

Psychological study of man Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Psychological study of man - Research Paper Example For many years, the psychologists have limited their work to the study of women psychology. However, with the passage of time and in-depth analysis of various aspects in the field of psychology, the professionals have realized that there are certain behaviors which are associated with men that need to be studied in detail (Blazina and David, 21). In order to make sure that there is sufficient evidence of work on psychological study of man, the experts have undertaken various initiatives to make valuable contributions in the world of psychology. Previously, the psychologists studied the gender roles by comparing them across various cultures (Lavent and William, 70). But recent developments in the research of these gender roles highlighted that the male behave in certain ways not on the basis of biological or social constructs but rather on socially and psychologically constructed entities (Carothers and Harry, 386). Joseph Pleck was the person who developed â€Å"The gender role strain paradigm† in 1981. According to this paradigm, a man has to deal with various strains to live up to the expectations of the society. It was even the starting point for the development of an additional branch of psychology for men (Lavent and William, 2). The gender role is defined as the set of behaviors, actions, attitudes and self-perception methods which are ascribed to all members of the particular biological sex i.e. male or female. There is a specific CPGR (Culturally Preferred Gender Role) which varies according to the cultures. Every male is encouraged to show compliance with CPGR and even forced to adopt it (Lavent and William, 132). According to Szukalowski, a man is generally nurtured on a way that the rules of masculinity are engrained in his personality (45). The three main areas of masculinity are strength (courage, rationality, self-reliance and aggression), action (ambition, dominance, risk-taking and competitiveness) and honor

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tesco. Ligeher Essay Example for Free

Tesco. Ligeher Essay Opening: Hallo, Ladies and Gentleman Thank you for inviting me to speak at this conference. It is a pleasure for me to be here today at the London School of Economics and it is great to see so many business students at one place. Introduction: My name is Sir Alen Iverson and I am the PR assistant at Tesco, the largest British supermarket chain. And today I would like to talk a little about retail market general. How it has developed the last couple of years. And I talk about Tesco’s current problems and finally I will comment on the company’s efforts to solve them taking the changing consumer behavior into consideration. I expect my presentation will last about 30 to 45 minutes Feel free to ask any questions, speculations or something that you cannot understand you might have during my presentation. The world and the  retailing is different from what it used to be. People wants bigger things now and that is the reason why we need to gather all the stores in one place. Shopping malls are the new today. All the small convenience stores cannot compete with the big shopping malls where you have the oppurtunity to shop all what you want. Many consumers do not have the time to run around from one shop to another to find what they are looking after, therefore the consumers prefer to shop in one big shopping mall. An example of a very successful retail outlet is Tesco. Tesco is a supermarket which contain pretty much everything you need. Tesco is gathering information about their customers through a club card, so if the customers change their way of buying Tesco will be first to know it. But you cannot knpw everything.. As the most of you probably know, then Tesc o had some of our worst years in history. In Januar we came out with a profit warning showing that we have hadlower profits as expected. Tesco’s shares have fallen 20 % and it has an expected loss of the market value of 5 billion pound sterling. After Tesco ´s many successful years we have changed our boss, CEO Chief Terry Leahy who had been CEO from march 1997 until march 2011. He made Tesco expand so much, that some thought of him to be â€Å"too successful† and he was criticised a lot because of this. The critics thought that he had forgotten to tighten the economics, and to keep focus on our driver’s values, which is Quality and Service. The new CEO is Philip Clark who ´s expected to get Tesco back on the right track. He will obviously be facing a long and hard task. We had an ill-fated price drop, which means that we went from being a quality store, to a discount store. This also meant that we did not live up to our costumers expectations. The consequences of this was that we decided to drop 182 of our branches. Then we could reconnect with the costumers and change our corporate culture. Another way that we thought we could make this possible was by introducing the new private label called Every Day Value. This would give the customers a chance to buy quality products for a reasonable price. Further more we opened a few bakeries in our stores to give the customers a better experience. Then we made some further research on our products, by asking our costumers what they thought of them, referring to design and colours. It turned out that our costumers thought our colours to be â€Å"too hard†. A result of this research was that we added softer colours of course. We at Tesco have received a lot of complaints from our customers referring to the lack of employees to give a better service and empty shelves. Thats why we ´ve planed to employ twenty thousand extra employees. So far we ´ve managed to employ an estimated 8000 new employees to improve the service and to avoid the empty shelves. In the year 2007 Tesco founded Fresh Easy in the United States of America. But Tesco should have waited. It was a really bad timing. Fresh Easy failed to take off and you could probably blame it on financial crises. Therefore we decided to shut it down. To solved these problems we have invested 150 million pounds in online shopping, which mainly is for selling non-food products. Then we made an app for the use on your phone. This will make it possible for you to shop from your phone, and go straight down to our stores and pick up our products, which of course is ready to go. By doing these things and keeping on we can now all ready see that our sales has increased by 1,3% and we will keep on investing in the stores on the United Kingdom market with about 1 billion pounds. In Tesco, we have chosen to make it possible for our customers to become members of the shop chain. That gives our customers benefits every time they shop in our stores and create loyalty to Tesco. And at the same time memberships give useful information about the shoppers purchase patterns. The weekday is very stressful for many people, so we need to make it easier to do the daily shopping. One option could be to use Internet based shopping to help the customers save time. In times where the number of smartphones are increasing, a free application that enable users to easily order product from the stores with a few finger clicks, would help people to save time and use their spare time for other useful things. One problem when you are shopping in a retail store is that you might end up in a long line. Most people shop at the same time of the day, that is, when they are getting home from work. That creates problems with long lines at the cash disk. To prevent all that wast of time waiting in line, you could install small cash disks with self-service to make the payment much faster for the busy customers. We have already seen self-service cash disks but in Tesco we think that self-service cash disk will be a part of the future shopping to a much higher degree. Finally, let me sum up the main points of my presentation on this subject: * How the retail market, the world and us customers has changed. * Tesco terrible 12 months and how we will solve the problems * Ideas of shopping in the future – E-business, but still physical stores I believe that we at Tesco have done a great job so far. But there is still a long way to go. If we want to keep on being one of the biggest companies in the world we have to keep on focusing on the constant changing culture and behaviour of our costumers. Every one of you is different and you all have different desires. We will make Tesco just the right shop for you! Thank you for listening and again my name is Alen Iverson and I hope you liked or join my speech. Thank you! [ 1 ]. [ 2 ]. [ 3 ]. and Tesco, Philip Clarke 1 (4:03) [ 4 ]. Tescos Terrible 12 Months [ 5 ]. Tescos Terrible 12 Months [ 6 ]. Tesco: Domestic Turnaround a Priority [ 7 ]. Tescos Terrible 12 Months [ 8 ]. Tescos Terrible 12 Months and Tesco: Domestic Turnaround a Priority [ 9 ]. Tesco: Domestic Turnaround a Priority [ 10 ]. Tesco: Domestic Turnaround a Priority [ 11 ]. Tesco, Philip Clarke 1 (4:03) and 2 (4:53) [ 12 ]. [ 13 ]. Tesco, Philip Clarke 1 (4:03) and 2 (4:53)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Children and the Effects of Television Essay Example for Free

Children and the Effects of Television Essay Television programs were created for children to learn everyday skills, but it can come to start affecting children today because they watch too much they start lacking in physical activity and some can become distant and violent. Studies have shown that children can become obese, violent and even dependent on television if watched too much television. Television can influence children in many different ways like becoming obese, become dependent on it too much; change school habits and even can become violent with watching different types of shows. It is time for parents to start standing up and take control over what and just how much their children watch television. It is said that children watch too much television even though some studies have proven that different types of children’s television shows tend to effect children in different ways also they learn new things faster. Shows like Blue’s Clues, Chuggington, Dinosaur Train, Mickey Mouse Club House, and Team Umizoomi are all filled with educational values that help children develop skills that they need. Blue’s Clues is a much liked show by children ages 2-4. According to Common Sense Media (2012), In fact, Blues Clues does a very fine job of treating its young viewers as the multifaceted individuals that they are.† This is very important to young children because it makes them feel as they are a part of something special when they watch shows like this. With these types of shows teach children how to have different types of important social skills, teamwork, science, alphabet, numbers, math problems and even have physical fitness in them which are some of the things that a child needs to know. With these types of show is just what children need to help them expand their brains. According to PEDÃÅ"K (2012) â€Å"Whichever program it may be, it has behavioral, mental and emotional effects.† (p.224).On the other hand more children are watching more television shows for an entertainment purpose which has no educational vales in them. Shows like Sponge Bob Square Pants, The Simpsons, Batman, and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which consist of having violence, rudeness, and poor role models for children are the ones that are shaping our children in this day of age. It is up to the parent to make sure that their children are getting the correct balance of fun, education, and physical activity to help them grow. Studies have shown that cartoons have the most major impacts on children because in the cartoons to children it is something done every day and ok to act out likes the character on television. According to Kids Health from Nemours (1995-2012),† Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior† which has become an issue to many different children around the world today. Children are like little sponges soaking up everything they can because every little boy and girl wants to be like their favorite cartoon hero or character. How much time a child watches television is a major factor in children’s behavior and their physical health. Whenever parents allow their children to sit in front of the television and watch more than four hours a day then parents could be running a risk of their child to become more dependent on television to keep them entertained, and this can become very harmful to a child’s health, or to their mental state as well. It can be hard on a parent try to clean house, cook a meal, and even do school work with children becoming bored, and parents just do not have the time to spend with them and then so it seem to be a helpful tool to be able to help at the time for them to watch television. One of the things that you can do to make sure when the appropriate times and what is the appropriate show’s to watch according to Kids Health from Nemours (1995-2012),† Come up with a family TV schedule that you all agree upon each week. Then, post the schedule in a visible area (e.g., on the refrigerator) so that everyone knows which programs are OK to watch and when. And make sure to turn off the TV when the scheduled program is over instead of channel surfing.† Instead of giving your children television time when they experience boredom some suggestion to them is to go outside and make believe that they are the characters in their favorite learning television show. Another thing is get them some flash cards with math, spelling or any type of learning cards. If you distract children from television with something better then you will have a child that cares less about the television and more about playing with their learning games. Common assumption say that violent television shows can mold a child to be either violent when they get older or they develop a fear of being hurt. Children take what they see and apply it to what they do, kind of like the saying â€Å"Monkey see monkey do† type of thing. According to Willson (2008) â€Å"Wilson also shows that childrens susceptibility to media influence can vary according to their gender, their age, how realistic they perceive the media to be, and how much they identify with characters and people on the screen.† † (p. 87) Children need positive role models in their life and someone to look up to in life and most children have their television characters. Parents can usually see the signs in a child just by the way they are when watching a certain television show, and the way that they act if they cannot see the television show is a sign that a parent needs to watch the television show to see what it is that is addicting about the show to their ch ild to make them act out. There are many different types of signs to help parents know if the show that your child is watching is appropriate for them or if it is not appropriate for them. Some of the signs that parents want to look for is if they have trouble in school, with drawn away from friends and family just to name a few, and if you see these problems then as a parent should step in and try to pull the child/children away from the television shows that they watch. Some say that it cannot be done but studies have shown that if there is more quality time spent between parents and their child/children then they will more than likely not have the desire to watch television. Over the past 2 weeks I have been conducting my own personal study on how to keep your children from watching too much television and kept some notes on the effects it had on them. They are more a fan of watching different television shows and not wanting to even play with their toys. So one day I went to the store and bout some board games, activity books, coloring books, learning flash cards and even some reading books. What it is that I have found is that if I just took an hour of my time to interact with them to help get them started and interested in one of the activity’s that I have bought and got them started on one of them with me that I could leave them and do my school work, house work and even cook dinner and not one-time did I hear the words â€Å"I want to watch television Aunt Becca!† So if parents just make the time to take time out of your time just to get them interested is a tremendous outcome in the end. Obesity is one of the most dangerous side effects that are found in children that watch more television than get out and do physical activities. When children watch television after eating or while eating breakfast, snacks, lunches, and dinner are found that they don’t want to get up, stop watching television and go outside and play with friends or siblings. Now they are doing nothing to help burn off the calories that they are consuming then they run a risk at becoming obese and develop other health issues later in life. According to How T.V. Effects Your Child (1995-2012), â€Å"Studies have shown that decreasing the amount of TV kids watched led to less weight gain and lower body mass index (BMI — a measurement derived from someones weight and height)†. One of the things that can help children avoid becoming hungry while watching television is by trying to minimize the commercials, because commercials are filled with yummy foods and snacks that they like to eat. One of the things to help with that would be when there is a commercial on pull them away to do some sort of activity like, clean their room, fold cloths, or just by even having them come in and explain what it is that is going on in their television show. Monitoring what children watch on television is one of the best things that you can do to keep our children from becoming obese, violent, dependent on television, and less disruptive in school. In conclusion there are many different pros and cons of television and the effects that it has on children can go both ways, but it is up to the parents to make sure that their children get the physical activity, mental education and correct role models that they need to make sure that they live a more healthier and active life style. Because our children are the future of America and parents want to make sure that their future is going to be a bright and active life. Reference: PEDÃÅ"K, Dr. Åž. B. (2012, January). A STUDY ON CHARACTERISTISCS OF PARENTS’ TV VIEWING AND CHILDREN’S OPINIONS ON THE CARTOONS THEY WATCHED. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(1), 224-233. How T.V. Effects your child. (2011). Retrieved from Willson, B. J. (2008, Spring). Media and Children’s Aggression, Fear, and Altruism. , 18(1), 87-118.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Corporate Rescue Mechanisms of Judicial Management

Corporate Rescue Mechanisms of Judicial Management Two new insolvency processes was introduced by the Companies Act 2016 which are corporate rescue mechanisms of judicial management and corporate voluntary arrangement. These mechanisms aim to facilitate rehabilitation of company in the event of corporate insolvency to allow companies to restructure its debts and at the same time able to continue with its business as opposed to the only way of winding up under the old rule, subject to some conditions. Judicial management Judicial management as the name suggests is an order granted by court by way of application by the companys creditor or director. From the time an application is made, and for the duration of any judicial management order made, a moratorium will be in force.[1]Once order is granted, an insolvency practitioner or judicial manager will based on powers vest him,take charge of companys assets for over a period of six months which the order is in force and could be extended for another six months. The said insolvency practitioner or judicial managerwill first make a restructuring proposal for creditors approval which will be obtained by the creditors meeting and voting[2]. A majority approval of 75% of present creditors is required and the effect of restructuring proposal being approved is the proposal becomes binding on all creditors. Judicial management will not be available to institutions regulated by Capital Markets and services Act 2007 and Central Bank of Malaysia.[3] Besides that, judicial management order will only be granted if in applicant successfully show that there is a possibility of rehabilitation and by allowing such order creditors interest will be protected better than winding up process will. Corporate voluntary arrangement Corporate voluntary arrangement may be carried out betweencompanies with their unsecured creditors with minimal courts intervention. It will not be available to company with charge over its properties, public companies and similar with judicial management, institutions regulated by Capital Markets and services Act 2007 and Central Bank of Malaysia. Application for corporate voluntary arrangement could be made by companys director or judicial manager to the court which moratorium commences from this moment onwards. Application is to be supported with an insolvency practitioners statement on his opinion that the arrangement should be approved or disproved based on whether companys funds allow it to continue with its business. Unlike judicial management, under corporate voluntary arrangement there is a time limit to moratorium. After application to court an automatic moratorium kicks in for twenty eight days during which no legal action may commence against the said company[4]. Approval and the subsequent effect is the same as required under judicial management and the creditors meeting should be done within this moratorium period, upon which the moratorium ends. It could be extended for another sixty days by majority approval during said creditors meeting. The Companies Act 2016 also implemented added security feature by way of an insolvency test under s 112[5] to protect rights of parties trading with the company and rights of the creditors. Different solvency test applies for different circumstances but in overall, directors are to sign a solvency statement to declare that the company is solvent for the purpose of declaring dividend, share buyback and redemption of preference share, reduction of share capital or financial assistance. Insolvency-related amendments Companies Act 2016 has also incorporated some insolvency-related amendments, with the strengthening of the laws on receivership, winding up and schemes of arrangement. Receivership The receivership provisions in the CA 2016 substantially expand on the existing provisions in the Act. Section 375 and section 376 of CA 2016 set out the manner of appointing a receiver or a receiver and manager under an instrument or by the Court. S. 375(2)(a) of CA 2016 expressly sets out the agency status of a receiver appointed under a power conferred by an instrument. On part of receivers liability, section 182 of CA 1965 provides receiver to be liable for debts incurred by him in the course of the receivership or possession. The same is incorporated in section 381 of the CA 2016. Further to that, section 382 imposes personal liability on the receiver. Section 383 codified express powers of a receiver which are set out in the Sixth Schedule of the CA 2016. Presently, a receiver would have to derive his powers which expressly or impliedly conferred by Court. Winding up On the changes of winding up related sections, it can be noted that petition for winding up under section 218 CA1965 is generally presented subsequent to a final judgment. In the CA 2016, petition may also be presented without a judgment but after service of a s.218equivalent to section 466(1)(a) Notice of Demand pursuant to specifying the debt. In CA 1965, there is no time limit to file petition to wind up a company after the issuance of the statutory notice under s. 218(2)(a). CA 2016 in s. 466(2) now requires a petition to be filed in Court within six months of the statutory notice. This imposes time limitation for s.218 notice in order to curb abuse and to set useful timelines for potential settlement processes. Presently s.218(1)(m) and (n) permits the Court to order a winding up if a company is being used for unlawful purposes or any purpose prejudicial to national security or public interest or incompatible with peace, welfare, public order, security, good order or morality in Malaysia. S.465(2) of CA 2016 provides that, a finding by the Registrar that a company is being used for such purposes shall be received as prima facie evidence until proven otherwise. The effect is to reverse the burden of proof which then place on company to disprove the existence of the state of affairs said to exist by the Registrar in commencing the winding up action Section 218(2) has given minimum statutory amount for which a company may be presumed to be unable to pay its debts is RM500. Section 466 CA 2016 provides the amount now is to be prescribed by the Minister. Under the present s.223 CA 1965, all dispositions made after the commencement of the winding up by the Court are void unless the Court otherwise orders. Whereas s.472 CA 2016 provide exception to allow exempt dispositions which are defined as dispositions made by a liquidator, or by an interim liquidator,pursuant to a power conferred on them by the Act or rules of the Court that appointed them or by an order of the Court. This may facilitate the liquidators in carrying out their function as part of winding up process to liquidate the assets of the company as part of the without having to seek validation orders each time a disposition is made. S.493 CA 2016 is a new provision giving the Court power to terminate the winding up process. Currently termination of a winding up order is by way of a permanent stay under s.243which given court power to stay winding up. The same section is also used to seek a stay of winding up proceedings pending an appeal and this has continued to cause confusion. Cessation of a winding up as the power to stay in s.492 and the power to terminate in s.493 are clearly segregated. Twelfth schedule of CA 2016 sets out both the powers of a liquidator requiring the authority of the Court or a committee of inspection and powers which may be exercised independently of the same.Notable changes on s.236 CA1965 include the power to carry on the business of the company which increase from four weeks to 180 days after the date of the winding up order, to compromise debts not exceeding RM10,000which currently RM1,500 under s.236(2)(b) due to the company without approval of the Court/COI. This would enhanced the roles of liquidators to facilitate the smooth process of liquidation. Further, CA 2016 also provide more protection to employees as unsecured creditors under s.292(1)(b). The upper limit for the payment of wages or salary in the distribution of a companys property increased from RM5,000 to RM15,000 under s.527(1)(b) of CA 2016 Scheme of arrangement The scheme of arrangement provisions remains largely the same except for two of the more significant changes. In s.367 of CA 2016, upon application, the court may appoint an approved liquidator to assess the viability of a proposed scheme and prepare a report for submission to the meeting of creditors and members. This would enable an independent professional in the field of insolvency to determine the viability of the scheme and take into account the interests of all the stakeholders. Currently under s.176(10A) CA 1965 the court may grant a restraining order for not more than 90 days. Under s.368(2) CA 2016 the restraining order may be extended by court for not more than 9 months upon application to court. Further, s.176(10D) CA 1965 provides company disposes or acquires any property, other than in the ordinary course of its business, without leave of the Court, liable for monetary punishment of RM1 million. In CA 2016, the amount has increased to RM3 million as provided in s.368(7). [1]Malaysia: New Malaysian insolvency laws (2016) Available online (Accessed on: 19th January 2017) [2]Malaysias New Insolvency Regime (2016) Available online   (Accessed on 20th January 2017) [3]Reform in the Malaysian Corporate Landscape Key Highlights under the New Companies Act (2016) Available online   (Accessed on 20th January 2017) [4] Corporate voluntary arragement (2016) Available online ( Accessed on 21st January 2017) [5] Companies Act 2016, s 112

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Benefits of Living in America. Essay -- USA, ESL essays

Fireworks cracking and lighting up the sky, hot dogs cooking on the grill, and a cold drink in a red, white, and blue paper cup. It is the forth of July, Independence day, the day Americans put all of their worries to the side to celebrate the freedom of the country that they live in, America. Those who live in the USA may experience more freedom and comfort then those who live in other parts of the world. America is highly praised for their education, diverse crowds, and socially accepting everyone despite their race, religion, or special needs. Many people from all over the world come to America to get a better education then the one being offered to them by their own country, mainly because of it's elite schools, endless study choices, and flexablility. Having the choice of where, what...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Confessions of a Chronic Shopper :: Personal Narrative Shopping Toys Papers

Confessions of a Chronic Shopper It began with Barbie. I received my first at age four, and for awhile, I was happy with just that one. But when I walked down the all-hot-pink aisle at Target, I couldn’t help but need another. Magic Moves, Peaches and Cream, Crystal. Barbie and the Rockers. And then came the accessories. Barbie’s pink Jeep. Barbie’s bed and bedroom furniture. Kitchen accessories. Gym equipment. A tall Barbie house with an elevator. My sister and I had the works. We would set up luxurious Barbie mansions and would select from a bottomless Barbie pit four or five Barbies apiece, creating elaborate plots that could contend with any of the afternoon soap operas. Their days consisted of primping, changing clothes at least 35 times, ordering miscellaneous stuff advertised on the radio, and dating. And with only a Ken and a Derek to go around for eight Barbies, there was much stealing of boyfriends. They led extremely enriching lives. Then Cabbage Patch Kids were born. Since they were in such high demand, it was agony wondering if I’d even get one. But Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Leo were successful on Easter of 1985. Although Grandpa had to literally fight with a woman in the aisle of Toys ‘R Us over the last Cabbage Patch on the shelves, he won, thank goodness, so that I could have Martina. Martina Dorisa. But after awhile, Martina needed a playmate. And another. And a fourth. So, I acquired three more—Billy, Gary, and a little premie named Felice. My sister had four as well, and ironically, when we played with them, we would pretend that we were destitute single mothers. The home we set up was underneath the ping-pong table in our basement, cramped quarters for two girls and eight babies. But we were impoverished, after all. In all honesty, however, I cannot remember a day when I ever felt the scarcity of money —whether it was the fear that I might not be getting another meal or that I might not be getting another Christmas present. As the fourth and youngest child in my family, my parents were in their thirties and well-established when I was born. While my older siblings felt the consequences when my parents struggled to make ends meet, I never had to witness such financial straits or worry about money at all. I grew up knowing only affluence, receiving almost any desire I entertained, and so consumption naturally became a part of my life, just as some children who are born into poverty naturally understand privation and want as a natural way of life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Evaluating the Historical Capital Budgeting Method Essay

Currently AES employs Project Finance Framework. Project finance tends to be used in projects with tangible assets with predictable cash flows in which construction and operating targets can be easily established through explicit contract. The key to AES projects financing lies with the precise forecasting of cash flows. In effect, the possibility of estimating cash flows with an acceptable level of uncertainty allows for allocation of risks among various interested parties. The ensuing certainty in cash flows allows for high level of leverage and enables project assets to be separated from the parent company. Let us now take a closer look at the pros and cons of the Capital Budgeting System currently in place. Principal Advantages Non-Recourse The separation of the parent company is structured through the creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). This SPV is the formal borrower under all loan documents so that in event of default or bankruptcy AES is not directly responsible before financial creditors. Instead, their legal claims are against the SPV assets. Maximize Leverage Currently AES seeks to finance the cost of development and construction of the project on highly leveraged basis. High leveraged in non-recourse project financing permits AES to put less in capital to put at risk permits AES to finance the project without diluting its equity investment in the project. Off-Balance Sheet Treatment AES may not be required to report any of the project debt on its balance sheet because such debt is non-recourse. Off balance sheet treatment can have the added practical benefit of helping the AES comply with covenants and restriction relating to borrowing funds contained in loan agreements to which AES is also a party. Agency Cost The agency costs of free cash flow are reduced. Management incentives are to project performance. Most importantly close monitoring by investors is facilitated. Multilateral Financial Institutions One of the four constituents that have contractual arrangement with the SPV in a typical project are the banks (an integral part group of financiers that include share holders, insurers, equipment manufacturers, export credit agencies and funds). Among these banks there are multilateral financial institutions (like IFC, CAF and etc). Presence of these institutions as financiers helps in raising capital from these institutes at lower cost and secondly it is also read as a positive sign by commercial banks. Drawbacks Projects V/S Division The company is not only expanding its geographical boundaries, but it is also diversifying its business through backward and forward integration. The current financial model does not provide the AES with the big picture, which now constitutes more number of variables that are being influenced by multiple factors due to the increase in depth and breadth of the organization. Complexity Financing of projects requires involvement of a number of parties. They can be quite complex and can be expensive to arrange. Secondly it demands greater amount of management time. Macroeconomic Risk The current methodology employed by AES for capital budgeting does not take into account the exchange rate risk. This risk will be of higher magnitude in the developing countries because of their unstable monetary and fiscal policies[2]. As we have seen that fluctuation in exchange rate has greatly hurt the AES business and they were unable to mitigate this risk as they haven’t anticipated it. This risk becomes important when the exchange rate fluctuation affects balance sheet items unequally. Thus keeping check on the foreign exchange rate requires timely adjustment of both the items of revenue and expenditure, and those of assets and liabilities in different currencies. Political Risk: This is another important factor which the current financial management system does not take into account. This will be of significant importance when it comes to investing in developing countries where frequent changes in government policies occur. Does this system make sense? The financial strategy employed by AES was historically based on project finance. This approach solely took into account those factors that minimized AES exposure to the project and achieved the most beneficial regulatory treatment thus ensuring availability of financial resources to complete the project. The model worked well for the domestic market as well as for the international operations, provided the opportunities undertook by AES were either in the sector of building and running a power plant or simply buying an existing facility and upgrading it and then operating. The underlying assumption over here was that the symmetrical and asymmetrical risks faced by the project were more or less same irrespective of its geographical location (Refer to Exhibit 3). However when AES started diversifying the breadth of its operations by incorporating other offshoots of energy related business and transforming from a cogeneration to a more utility organization with majority of expansion occurring in developing economies. This diversification of business increased the symmetrical risks like business risk, a classic example of which we see in Brazil where AES experience shortfall in demand /sales volume due to Energy Conservation Policy of Brazilian government and this had a chain effect on debt servicing capacity of the SPV as well the stock price of the parent company. Other factor that current model was not able to include was the risk of devaluation of currency in developing economies which resulted in significant losses due to the inability of the company to survive its international debt obligations. Expansion in developing economies also exposed the business to political risk where the policies change erratically with changes in government. Hence we see that the geographical diversification of business causes asymmetrical risk to increase causing bimodal behavior in the result. Project financing becomes less recommendable as a symmetrical risk becomes more manifest. This constitutes a problem for emerging countries where these risks tends to be at the forefront. Lal Pir Project Valuation Scenario 1: Pakistan In order to calculate the value of project for the Lal Pir project in Pakistan, we first need to calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) using the new proposed methodology. For this we have followed the approach given in exhibit 8 of the case. The first step is to calculate the value of levered ? using the formula and information given in the case[3]. The value of the levered ? comes out to be 0. 3852 or 38. 52%, which essentially means that our project is not very highly correlated to the market return. Using this value of ? we now calculate the cost of Equity (refer Exhibit 4A). We have used the return on U. S. Treasury Bond (i. e. 4. 5%) as the risk free return in calculating the cost of equity. The cost of equity comes out to be 0. 072 and similarly, using the risk free return and the default spread (given in exhibit 7a of case) we calculate the cost of debt which comes out to be 0. 0807. It is important to note that the cost of debt and the cost of equity also need to be adjusted for the sovereign spread (0. 0990 for Pakistan). Once we have the adjusted costs of equity and capital we can now calculate the WACC for the project using the formula given in case where we essentially multiply equity and debt ratio with the adjusted costs of equity and debt respectively[4]. The WACC in this scenario comes out to be 0. 1595 or 15. 95%. However, now we need to adjust this WACC for the risks associated with doing the project in Pakistan and we do this by using Table A given in the case. We know that the total Risk Score for Pakistan is 1. 425 and since there is a linear relationship between business specific risk scores and cost of capital[5] we need to adjust our WACC by 7. 125% thus making our final WACC 23. 075%, using which we calculate our NPV (refer to Exhibit 6) from the year 2004 to 2023, and it comes out to be negative $234. 34 million. Scenario 2: USA For USA similar calculations are made to calculate the WACC (Exhibit 4B). However there are two things that are different. First we see the sovereign spread is equal to zero. Secondly, in this case we would need to calculate the business risk using the information given in exhibit 7a of the case (refer to Exhibit 5). This score comes out to be 0. 64 and using this score, our business risk comes out to be 3. 23% and adding it to our calculated value of WACC, we get our final WACC of 9. 64%. Using this we calculate our NPV for USA which comes out to be negative $ 35. 92 million (refer to Exhibit 7). Adjusted Cost of Capital and Probabilities of Real Events in Pakistan In calculating the adjusted cost of capital for Pakistan the WACC is adjusted for six common types of risks: Operational, Counterparty, Regulatory, Construction, Commodity, Currency and Legal. We can clearly see from table A given in the case that besides construction there is a probability of all these risks actually effecting the project in Pakistan. In these, the highest probability is that of currency risk and the legal risk. The adjusted cost that we have calculated is adjusted by the total risk score for Pakistan. There is a linear relationship between the total risk score and adjustment to the cost of capital, i. e. a score of 1 leads to an adjustment of 500 basis points in the WACC. When we calculate the WACC for Pakistan through traditional formula it comes out to be 15. 95%, however in order to incorporate the risk factor associated with Pakistan we need to adjust it for the Total Risk Score, which in this case is 1. 425. So we simply multiply this by 500 and we find out that we need to adjust our WACC 23. 075%. Since this 23. 075% is adjusted using the total risk score we can safely assume that it incorporates for the probability of the afro-mentioned six types of risks in WACC with respect to Pakistan. Discount Rate Adjustment: USA v/s Pakistan As mentioned earlier the discount rate is adjusted based on the total risk score of the country. This total risk score is compiled from 6 main types of risks, the probability of which varies from country to country. If we simply compare the risk scores for USA and Pakistan[6], we can see that there is a major difference between the risk profiles of both the countries. For instance, while currency, regulatory and legal risks are significantly high in Pakistan, they do not exist in the USA at all. Also we see that operational, counterparty and commodity risks are higher in USA as compared to Pakistan. Similarly when the respective WACCs of the two countries are adjusted for their risk we see that the adjusted WACC for Pakistan (23. 075%) is much higher as opposed to that of USA (9. 64%), which essentially implies that Pakistan is inherently a riskier country to invest in as opposed to the USA and any investments made in this region would have to cross a higher hurdle rate than if they were made in the US region.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Crisis Management 1: The Day After Tomorrow

There is probably no better movie in the world to look at crisis management and Hollywood’s lack of understanding than â€Å"The Day After Tomorrow†. This movie deals with a major catastrophic event worldwide and shows viewers the alleged reaction of the American government. Although it provides interesting drama for the movie, the way the American government reacts to the crisis is not only a poor example of crisis management, but also paints an unrealistic picture of the efficiency of the government and emergency responders. From the beginning, the movie is a bit preachy about the environment and the American government’s unwillingness to listen to the doomsayers about the coming crisis. No one from the vice president down wants to hear what the government employed climatologist has to say about the weather. The first problem with this is that the climatologist is even trying to report to the vice president. It is possible that in an extreme crisis situation, the chain of command might be broken to get more information quickly to decision-makers, but the main character does so before the crisis even hits the United States. If he had followed the chain of command, it seems more likely that crisis response teams could have begun developing scenarios for the crisis he was envisioning. Evaluating the crisis response in this movie in many ways comes down to evaluating the response to several major crises leading up to the huge global cooling event.   The first event that affects the United States is a huge weather system, so-called super storms which ground air traffic and begin causing flooding in Lower Manhattan.   At approximately the same time, we see a series of huge tornadoes devastate Los Angeles and then we see the President declare a national state of emergency. However, not a single one of these crises were handled in accordance with crisis management theory or crisis management reality as it exists today. First we will deal with the super storm and the subsequent plane crashes. The first evidence that we as viewer have of the increasing storm activity is on the flight of Jake Gyllenhaal’s character from Washington D.C. to New York for a scholar bowl competition. Sam, Gyllenhaal’s character, is supposed to be terrified of flying anyway, so when the plane hits turbulence the effect is supposed to be suspenseful. But from an emergency management point of view, it is evidence that the Federal Aviation Administration would have grounded flights long before the lightning got so bad that it was knocking planes out of the air. The movie claims several major plane crashes occur before the FAA can get planes out of the sky. This is just hogwash. After September 11, 2001, the FAA has procedures in place to scramble to get planes on the ground. Tiny airports dotting the countryside are equipped for emergency landings and after the turbulence on one flight was bad enough to activate oxygen masks, the FAA would have immediately grounded flights flying through that storm. The second major problem that the movie has with crisis management comes in the form of the flooding in Lower Manhattan. When the problem is simply a backed up sewer at a prep school, it is possible that the response would be to move the students to alternate locations in the city until the morning. However, these were high school children. There is no way that the school system would have allowed them to begin randomly moving around the city the next morning when the flooding had extended to the streets and made some roads and rail lines impassable. In addition, major flooding on an island like New York is a major crisis event. The movie depicted the beginning of the horror in New York City as just another rain storm and showed no evidence of a crisis response from city officials. Even if the sudden cold snap had been unpredictable, the rain forecast wasn’t and city officials and emergency personnel would have been preparing in one way or another before the freeze hit. This utter lack of regard for reality and crisis management strikes home again later in the movie when Sam and others have taken refuge in the library. For unknown reasons, the lone police officer in the bunch decides that it is better to encourage people to walk out of the city rather than stay in the relatively warm and dry library where they have shelter and some food. While not all police officers are trained to handle a serious crisis, the idea that this one encouraged people to give up shelter and food to being an unknown trek is completely against any crisis management theory taught in the world. He had no reason to believe that people would not be safe in the library and should have, would have kept them there. The response in Los Angeles to the tornadoes was also just ridiculous. The movie shows the country watching in horror as LA is destroyed, but no once do we hear the Federal Emergency Management Personnel begin mobilizing or calling their local counterparts or in any way reacting to the scene.   Given the nature of the disaster, FEMA officials should have been on the phone before the winds stopped mobilizing search and rescue teams immediately to secure the city and recovery teams should have been getting their alerts as well. Instead, the movie makes it appear that California was basically ignored as it was blown away. Finally, the real tragedy of the crisis approach in the movie is that the movie makers failed to realize that this type of national event would almost immediately result in martial law. Doctors would not be allowed to wait around at hospitals to see if their patients were evacuated and private ambulance companies would not be the ones emptying the hospitals of the transportable patients as the country was evacuated. And, the president would not be allowed to refuse to move out of his office. He would be taken into some kind of mobile command center, against his will if necessary, for the preservation of the country. Like any good â€Å"Die Hard† movie, â€Å"Die Hard with a Vengeance† involves bad guys and hostages. What makes this a classic crisis movie is the portion of the movie dealing with the hostages in a public elementary school in New York City. The basic plot of the movie is that Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson have to stop the bag guys and get the code to defuse the bomb in the school so that the hostages can get away.   The problem is that the bad guys have claimed that if they see anything indicating that the school is being evacuated they will use a remote detonator and set off the bomb as the children try to evacuate. This movie does some things right as far as crisis management theory goes. School personnel, including teachers, are enlisted to help emergency personnel devise a plan to evacuate the building and the bomb squad is brought in to attempt to find and defuse the bomb.   Then, it wanders away from reality and never finds its way back. Detective John McClain (Bruce Willis) runs into a father with two children at the school. Zeus Carter (Samuel L. Jackson) refuses to take no for an answer and insists on helping McClain find the bad guys. Wrong! One of the most important theories of crisis management is to minimize the risk.   The police would never let an untrained civilian get involved in the operation. If Mr. Carter insisted, he would be arrested and held until the crisis was over. The next step would be to remove the children from the location. Even though the bombers had threatened to detonate the bomb as soon as they saw any attempt to rescue the children, the first priority would have been to evacuate the children.   A large portion of crisis theory is risk management and despite the fact that we were dealing with children and the potential loss of life, those in charge of crisis management would have decided that it was better to attempt to get the children out of the building rather than leave them as sitting ducks for the bad guys to blow up at will.   The goal of the crisis management team would have been secure the building in any way possible and to prevent as much loss of life as possible. Though they would understand the potential for second guessing if something went wrong, they would have also seen the potential for the situation to simply get worse if the children were not immediately removed from the building.   While the idea of having the children sprint away from the building as fast as possible seems sound, the reality is that it would not have been tried as the potential for injury there would be great as well. Real crisis management teams would have figured out when the bomb was and gotten the children to the exits farthest from it and then attempted to put in some sort of blast shielding to minimize the danger while removing the children from the situation. Even more disturbing is the fact that the movie depicts the evacuation process as chaotic enough to allow two children to slip away from their teachers and law enforcement personnel to hide out in the school. In a real emergency, teachers would have checked and double-checked to make sure that every student was accounted for and emergency personnel would have been patrolling the building behind the evacuees to make certain that no one stayed behind. Finally, there was only a limited effort to control the news media. In a major crisis event of this type, cellular communication with the building would have been terminated in an effort to prevent word of the hostage crisis from reaching the media and in the event that the media were made aware of the crisis, strict controls would have been used to keep them quiet about the crisis, including blackmail. It is not unusual for crisis personnel to make it clear to the media in the midst of a crisis that cooperation during the crisis will lead to better access to stories once the crisis is over. And, the news media makes decisions daily when it weighs the public’s need to know against security. If the reporters were informed of the delicate nature of the situation and the potential for the loss of human life, most would have willingly gone along with a blackout of the event until after the children were safe. The problem is that real crisis management does not necessarily make for good drama. Though the conflicts in decision-making procedures exist, they are not open discussions that anyone can participate in. In a real emergency, the crisis management is left to the professionals. It’s too bad movies can’t seem to understand that. The beauty of the crisis situation in â€Å"Dawn of the Dead† is that the crisis appears quickly, but not instantly and it develops mostly over night. This crisis is also insidious in that people become infected and may not demonstrate their symptoms for several hours or even a day later. Worse yet, for crisis management teams, it is the worst type of crisis imaginable—the nature of the threat is unknown but rapidly spreading and the disbelief that we have trained into ourselves and our children works to prevent rapid response to the crisis. The plague causing the zombies in â€Å"Dawn of the Dead† has the ability to take hold and gain strength because the first few times that medical personnel run into it, they disbelieve what they are seeing. Though it is important for emergency personnel to be skeptical, they c=should be willing to act based on observable facts even when the facts make no sense. That is the major failing of the emergency response in this movie. Otherwise, the writers largely got it right. When it became clear that a major epidemic was facing the city, officials would first have warned people to remain in their homes and then, barring that would have set up emergency shelters. One of the good things about the use of emergency shelters in the movie is that they used traditional shelters like churches and a military base, an option that definitely would be considered in the event of a widespread event. The fact that before the emergency broadcasts end, they have contacted officials with the Centers for Disease Control and that the CDC is in charge on the event makes a great deal of sense. The only thing lacking would have been a stronger military presence on the streets once the state of emergency had been declared, but at least the movie attempts to explain this too when it mentions later on that the Army base has been overrun. Even more impressive than the outside response to the crisis, is the crisis management implementation that develops within the group of survivors. Though there is some initial posturing between the thief and the police officer, everyone quickly falls into roles appropriate to the situation and begins to work together to overcome their immediate needs: shelter that is safe from the threat. The opening scenes of the movie show people doing what is necessary to survive, even when it contradicts what it their normal behavior pattern, a classic observation of crisis theory. People will do what they need to do in order to survive. This is true in the killing of the zombies and even the decisions to flee their homes. Once they arrive at the mall, after the mall is secured and they have successfully risen up against the mall security guards, the group begins to settle into the realities of crisis management: they determine if they can meet their basic needs and then if there is an escape their condition. They put notes on the building roof to indicate the presence of survivors and they take up whatever pursuits help them get through the monotony of existence while the threat continues, including Steve’s incessant need for sex and the â€Å"games† of kill the zombie that they play from the mall rooftop. Finally, the group reaches the point where it must investigate the threat and determine how to handle it. The movie does a good job of showing the learning process and the impact of all the stresses on the psyche of the people involved.   The group determines to leave the mall when it becomes clear that they cannot live their indefinitely and then they begin a very crisis management approach to leaving, setting up supplies ad making their exit as defensible as possible.   The only failure in their crisis management theory is the lack of available information with regard to other safe havens. It proves to be their undoing. However, unlike the other movies I have reviewed, this one seemed to understand that theory. 1) Control or contain the threat 2) Seek Shelter 3)Seek other basic necessities. I think many other disaster movies would be more enjoyable if they could follow his pattern and stick to reality.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Health Literacy Essay

This year marks one of the most significant years in the history of the United States of America. The election of 2008 will set in motion a new era for the US. With a lame duck president currently in office there is a 100 percent chance that things are going to change. One of the hot button issues during the campaign season is health care. However, in order to change health care, the United States must first be health literate. In order to do so the following should be known: the definition of health literacy, what health literacy skills are and why they are important, the history behind health literacy, and how health literacy affects the economy. First, to become health literate one must know the definition of this term. Being health literate does not mean hitting the gym everyday or trying the latest greatest fad diet. Health literacy can best be defined as â€Å"The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions (2000). † It really is quite basic in definition but is somehow being overlooked in the United States today. The big problem is not that US citizens are making unwise choices when it comes to health care. The big problem is that US citizens do not know how to get the information about the right decisions, process a right or wrong decision or even understand basic information that relates the to health care and other health services. According to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, health literacy includes the following: â€Å"The ability to understand instructions on prescription drug bottles, appointment slips, medical education brochures, doctor’s directions and consent forms, and the ability to negotiate complex health care systems (Glassman, 2008). † Be wary of the term literacy. Being health literate is not just having the ability to read. Health literacy â€Å"requires a complex group of reading, listening, analytical, and decision-making skills, and the ability to apply these skills to health situations (Glassman, 2008). † To know how to put health literacy to work in a country that is moving towards being centered on the consumer, the consumer must have health literacy skills. It seems as if every trip to the doctor’s office always starts with a stack of forms, questionnaires, and personal information sheets. From the outset the patient’s health literacy is being tested. Some other tasks that a patient must do are as follows: â€Å"evaluate information for credibility and accuracy, analyze risks and rewards, calculate dosages, interpret test results, and locate additional health information (Glassman, 2008). † It is easy to overlook some of these skills, but the fact remains that a big portion of people in the United States do no possess these skills. Miscalculating a prescription that cost $150 could get pretty expensive. However, in order to put health literacy skills to the test, the patient/consumer must be â€Å"visually literate, computer literate, information literate, and numerically literate (Glassman, 2008). † So where and when did this big push for the nation to be literate in health issues come from? In 1998 the American Medical Association (AMA) was the first group to advocate the belief that health illiterate patients affect medical diagnosis and treatments (AMA, 2007). The same article also stated that â€Å"poor health literacy is a stronger predictor of a person’s health than age, income, employment status, education level, and race. † Being health literate or illiterate can make you younger or older! The biggest push the make the United States a health literate nation might just come from this stat. â€Å"Individuals with limited health literacy incur medical expenses that are up to four times greater than patients with adequate literacy skills, costing the health care system billions of dollars every year in unnecessary doctor visits and hospital stays (AMA, 2007). † That is billions not millions! Billions of dollars are lost yearly do to patients missing a doctor’s visit and follow-up appointments, taking medications of schedule, and not being able to understand â€Å"take on an empty stomach† (Glassman, 2008). † Being health illiterate does not impact just the individual, but the society as a whole. Health literacy has a huge roll in the economy. The National Academy on an Aging Society estimated that additional health cost due to a low rate of health literacy was over $73 billion in 1998 dollars (NAAS, 1998). That number would be much larger ten years later. Also, those with low health literacy may have fewer visit to the doctor but end up using more hospital resources than those who are health literate (Glassman, 2008). Therefore, the more hospital resources used, the more expensive health care becomes. Each individual is not only affecting their own bank account, but they are also affecting someone else’s as well. It is quite startling that a nation as advanced as the United States could be this illiterate when it comes to an important issue like health care. Not being able to answer basic questions on a survey or medical history form is a big problem. Not being able to follow directions on a prescription bottle can end up costing billions of dollars. More importantly, not knowing how to read and follow simple directions like â€Å"take on empty stomach† can end up costing a life. Health literacy is a major issue in this country. It is an issue that has to be addressed. No longer can the United States afford to let billions and billions of dollars be spend foolishly in our health care systems. The evidence is there. Now it is time for a solution. It is time to begin educating people of all socioeconomic status of how to properly handle their medical matters. Continuing to ignore a health illiterate nation will only lead to more money being wasted and more people suffering. The time to start a positive change is now. Refusing to respond and educate people both young and old will only make United States even more broke and sick. Teaching proper health literacy will not cure any problems, but it can definitely help prevent them. References AMA Foundation, (2007, September 04). Health literacy. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from Health Literacy Web site: http://www. ama-assn. org/ama/pub/category/8115. html Glassman, Penny (2008, January 17). Health literacy. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from Health Literacy Web site: http://nnlm. gov/outreach/consumer/hlthlit. html The Center for Health Care Strategies and National Academy on an Aging Society, (1998). Fact sheet. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from National Academy on an Aging Society Web site: http://www. agingsociety. org/agingsociety/publications/fact/fact_low. html United States Department of Health and Human Services, (2000). Healthy People 2010. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from Healthy People 2010 Web site: http://www. healthypeople. gov/Document/pdf/uih/2010uih. pdf.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Anita and Meena in Anita and Me and Piggy and Ralph in Lord of the Flies Essay

In both Anita and Me and Lord of the Flies, the characters have very much the same type of friendship. The two people in the friendship are not on the same level when they are together. For example, in Anita and Me, Meena is never seen as more superior to Anita and Piggy is never seen as superior to Ralph. Despite this fact, the reader can obviously tell that both Meena and Piggy are more intellectually superior to Anita and Ralph. These two friendships in both books undergo changes as incidents occur such as the forming of Jack’s tribe in Lord of the Flies and when Anita’s other friends abandon her. These changes really force both Anita and Ralph, the more superior of the two friendships to rely heavily on the inferior of the friendships, Piggy and Meena for emotional support. If these parts of the two books were looked at in detail, the reader would see that both Ralph and Anita usually feel as if they cannot continue and Meena and Piggy are usually the people who help them through their difficult times and provide support. At the beginning of Anita and Me, Anita is portrayed as quite an attractive young girl and one with the power to have control over people, ‘Anita was the undisputed ‘cock’ of our yard†¦her foghorn voice, foul mouth †¦ indicated she was carrying enough testosterone around to earn the title†¦she had the face of a pissed-off cherub, huge green eyes, blonde hair and a curling mouth†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Here we can see that Anita is described as the ‘undisputed ‘cock’ of our yard’. This illustrates how she is a very powerful girl. The fact that features such as blonde hair, large green eyes and a face of a cherub are resembled in her suggest that she is quite an angelic, good and polite young girl. This, however, is contradicted by her ‘foghorn voice’ and ‘foul mouth’. This shows us how she is not really what she seems and that even though she may look tough and powerful, she really is quite a lonely, sad girl. If we compare Anita’s appearance to Meena’s, we see a large difference: ‘†¦the winter coat, the scabbed knees, my stubborn nine-year old face†¦ not because I was too young or badly dressed, it was something else, something about me so offputting, so unimaginable†¦.’ Meena describes herself as very unattractive. When compared to Anita, we can see that it is the truth. Anita’s description gives her maturity and superiority while Meena’s make her seem as if she is a little ‘nine-year old’ girl who does not possess the same maturity and superiority as Anita. It is very much the same as Lord of the Flies with Piggy and Ralph’s friendship. At the beginning, our first impression gained of Ralph is of an athletic and attractive young boy: ‘He was old enough, twelve years and a few months, to have lost the prominent tummy of childhood†¦you could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, buy there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil’ Here Ralph is described in an attractive way and he, like Anita, can be described in two different ways: firstly as a ‘boxer’ which portrays Ralph as a strong, powerful man while the ‘mildness about his mouth and eyes’ shows that he is still an innocent pleasant young boy. In the same way Anita is friends with Meena in Anita and Me, Ralph is friends with Piggy. Piggy is very similar to Meena. Both Piggy and Meena are not as attractive as Ralph and Anita. In this way, they are seen as insuperior to them: ‘The naked crooks of his knees were plump, caught and scratched by thorns’ Here Piggy’s description does not portray him as either very attractive or very interesting. The fact that his knees are scratched by thorns makes Piggy seem quite young as you normally imagine young children to have scratched knees. Ralph is described as almost a man. This is another way in which Piggy is depicted as inferior to Ralph. Another way in which Ralph and Anita are described as greater than Piggy and Meena are when they meet. When Anita talks to Meena for the first time, she assumes that she is more superior to Meena. ‘†¦then snatched the bag off me and began walking away as she ate’ When Anita meets Meena, she snatches a bag of sweets from her and starts to walk away. She expects Meena to follow and what I find surprising is that Meena seems to think that this is fine and she feels happy to follow her a few paces behind. Meena feels privileged to be in Anita’s company. Anita realises this and uses it to her advantage. Anita has got used to realising that she is normally the leader of a group and that she has the ability to exert a lot of power. Ralph also assumes that he is superior when he meets Piggy. When Piggy asks what Ralph’s name is, Ralph does not return the gesture: ‘The fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn buy this proffer of acquaintance was not made’ Here Ralph is portrayed as quite arrogant. We can see that Ralph obviously feels in some way superior to this fat boy and therefore he feels that he is not the same level as him. Throughout the book, Ralph has a certain amount of superiority over Piggy and uses it often. When Jack, Simon and Ralph explore the island for the first time and Piggy asks to come, Ralph embaraces him by refusing to let him come. The same is done in Anita and Me, as Anita is throughout the book more superior to Meena. Both Meena and Piggy do not belong to the groups that are formed in the books. Piggy is far too intellectual and mature for the games played and he is the odd one out of the group, as is Simon. Meena too does not fit in to Anita’s group. She describes herself as ‘too young for Anita’s consideration and too old for the children’. Even when she does join Anita’s group, she sometimes feels out of place. Towards the end of both books, both Anita and Ralph find that they need support when their close friends leave them. In Anita and Me, Anita experiences this when her mother leaves: ‘†¦she always seemed older than her peers. But when I spied her sitting alone on the park swings, from a distance, her crumpled face and hunched shoulders turned her momentarily into a little old lady. When Anita’s mother and the poet leave her, Anita feels depressed and lonely. Meena, although she is angry with her, feels sorry for Anita and tries to comfort and support her. This shows how Meena, even though she is portrayed as insuperior to Anita, is the more stable of the two girls. Meena has two loving parent who look after her well and a baby brother while Anita lives with her unreliable mother who is hardly there for her and a father who sees her very rarely. Ralph also finds himself in this situation when the boys divide into two groups and Ralph is left only with Simon and Piggy: ‘Piggy’ ‘Uh?’ ‘What are we going to do?’ Piggy looked at the conch. ‘You could-‘ ‘Call an assembly?’ Ralph laughed sharply as he said the word and Piggy frowned. Here we can see the difference in Ralph’s way of talking to Piggy. We can see that Ralph has no idea of what to do now that Jack has made his own tribe. Ralph now finds that he is relying on Piggy to help and support him through his time of need. Ralph also uses the word ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. This shows how Ralph feels that both him and Piggy are now in their own tribe. It also shows how Ralph is letting Piggy be on the same level as him by using ‘we’. Another way in, which the friendship of Anita and Meena and the friendship between Ralph and Piggy are similar, is the ending of the friendship. At the end of the book, Meena realises that Anita is not the person she should be a best friend with: ‘I don’t give a toss what your sister [Anita] does, Tracey. Yow can tell her that from me.’ At this point, Meena has realised that Anita has not treated her as well as she should have been treated. Meena learns this from making friends with two other people who treat her well and are true friends. When Meena returns from hospital, she doesn’t socialise much and is happy doing things alone. Anita, jealous of her happiness and the love she receives from her parents, sends threatening notes to her in the hope of scaring Meena. At this point we can really see that Meena is superior to Anita as Anita tries to make a desperate attempt at trying to feel more superior and secure by threatening her. The same happens in Lord of the Flies. After Piggy has died, Ralph realises what a great friend Piggy really was to him and how much he needs him when Jack’s tribe turn against him: ‘And in the middle of them, with filthy body, unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. Here we can see that Ralph’s image of a strong, powerful young man is lost and we see him as a young naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve boy in contrast to Piggy who is described as ‘wise’. Before, Piggy was portrayed as a fat, asthmatic boy who was inferior to Ralph but now we see that Piggy is superior to Ralph. Ralph realises this and feels bad in the way he treated Piggy. Towards the end of both books, the characters who were portrayed as superior: Anita and Ralph find it hard to cope when Meena and Piggy leave them. In Anita and Me, when Meena breaks the friendship between herself and Anita, Anita begins to find that she is jealous of Meena and sends her threatening notes. Similarly in Lord of the Flies, when Piggy dies, Ralph finds it hard to cope. He is left all alone and is abandoned by his so-called friends who he preferred to Piggy in the beginning. In both cases we find how much Ralph and Anita depended on Piggy and Meena to make them feel superior. While in actual fact, Meena and Piggy were the superior ones.

Friday, September 13, 2019

An Overview of the Pathogens Biology in the Immune System

An Overview of the Pathogen's Biology in the Immune System The Immune system is the body’s overall defense system against harm causing invaders, that come from the outside world, that are able to inter the body one way or another. The immune system is not an organ or two that do all the work, but rather a network of parts all throughout the body that works with other bodily systems to fight off viruses, diseases, infections, and anything that the immune system knows does not belong in the body. A pathogen is any organism or virus that can cause a disease after entering the body. The first line of defense against pathogens are external barriers such as the skin. The nose has nostril hairs act like a filter for elements entering the body through the nose. The nose can also fill with mucus that can exit the body to get rid of any pathogens that might enter the nostrils. The eyes have eye lashes that can wave away pathogen’s when a person blinks. The average person blinks about 16 times a minute. That is typically enough to keep out pathogens floating in the nearby air. According to Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology 4th Edition (2012): External barriers also include chemical defenses in the form of antimicrobial secretions. Sweat, saliva, and tears contain enzymes that disrupt bacterial cell walls. Glands produce oils and acids that make the skin inhospitable to many microbes. Concentrated stomach acid kills most of the bacteria we swallow before they can enter the bloodstream. (p. 518) External barriers make up the first line of defense. When a pathogen does make it passed the barriers, it is now up to the internal immune system to fight it off. This is the second line of defense. Phagocytic cells are white blood cells that are able to consume foreign cells or pathogens, thus killing them. Another type of white blood cell that can kill off pathogens or infected cells are NK cells, or natural killer cells. These NK cells will discharge chemicals that kill infected cells. The body has another natural defense, which are defensive proteins. When a virus is successful in infecting a cell, the cell may release interferon molecules. These interferon molecules bind themselves to nearby healthy cells. The binding of interferon molecules to healthy cells prompts the healthy cell to produce antiviral proteins. Other natural defensive proteins that our immune system creates are complement proteins, which attack pathogens directly. (Simon, 2012, p. 519) The lymphatic system is a system of vessels and many lymph nodes that are crammed within white blood cells. Other lymphatic system organs include the tonsils, thymus, and the spleen. â€Å"The two main functions of the lymphatic system are to return tissue fluid to the circulatory system and to fight infection.† (Simon, 2012, p. 520) The lymphatic system works in conjunction with the circulatory system. For example, when someone gets a paper cut from a dollar bill, the dollar bill introduces bacteria into and under the skin. The first line of defense has already been penetrated. The lymphatic system will pick up on chemical signals that the skin has been torn, then send white blood cells via the arteries of the circulatory system to the paper cut site. The white blood cells will engulf the bacteria and cell debris, allowing the tissue to heal. If all the above fail to keep the body healthy, there is also a third line of defense, called adaptive defenses. â€Å"Adaptive defenses depend on white blood cells called lymphocytes that recognize and respond to specific invading pathogens.† (Simon, 2012, p. 521) These lymphocytes blood cells are triggered only after exposure to specific pathogens. The innate defenses are constantly prepared to combat a variation of infections, but lymphocytes must be primed by exposure to a foreign molecule. Any molecule that elicits a response from a lymphocyte is called an antigen. (Simon, 2012, p. 521). There are two types of lymphocytes cells, the first one is called the B-cell, and the second one is called the T-cell. One very interesting thing about this cells is how they develop. Both B-cells and T-cells form within bone marrow. The B-cells grow to maturity in the bone marrow, but the T-cells start in the bone marrow and are transported via blood to the thymus to finish growing to maturity. Paul A. Linnemeyer wrote: Macrophages are important in the regulation of immune responses. They are often referred to as scavengers or antigen-presenting cells (APC) because they pick up and ingest foreign materials and present these antigens to other cells of the immune system such as T cells and B cells. This is one of the important first steps in the initiation of an immune response. Stimulated macrophages exhibit increased levels of phagocytosis and are also secretory. (p. 1) It is very important the that the immune system functions well for the health of all human internal systems. If a pathogen that infected the digestive system entered the body and the immune system was not able to fight it off, it could cause damage to the digestive system to the point where the body could not digest food and therefore not get the nutrients needed to keep the body alive. If a pathogen that infected the respiratory system got into the body and the immune system could not fight off, it could affect the body’s ability to oxygenate its cells and cause the death of the person even though the pathogen itself may not be able to cause death. Likewise with the circulatory system. This clearly shows that a healthy immune system is a critical system to have, to keep internal systems healthy, which in turn keep the person healthy. As a result of having a low immune function, your body would have a harder time fighting off virus such as the cold and flu viruses, causing the symptoms to last longer. Infections can cause damage to the immune system, which further inhabits resistance to pathogens. HIV is a virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) There are treatments for AIDS, but no cures. People living with AIDS tend to have to change their life style. When someone first finds out that they are HIV positive there can be a wide range of feelings including of anger, sadness, depression fear, anxiety. This can cause much stress or the carrier of the HIV virus and their families. In some cases having or treating AIDS can affect the brain. This can cause clumsiness, sudden shifts in behavior, difficulty paying attention, and forgetfulness, among other problems. (University of California, August 03, 2011) In conclusion, The immune system is one of the most important systems in the human body. The immune system can interact with other bodily systems in a variety of ways. The immune system has three primary lines of defense, the exterior barriers, the internal innate defenses, and the internal adaptive defenses. Without an immune system, humans would die very easily due to many things. But with an immune system, humans can hope to survive and thrive despite the many things that can infect them.

Our Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Our Event - Essay Example The decision to make the subject matter of the occasion to be global was reached upon putting into consideration political, social and economic factors. This was mainly because were from diverse backgrounds and regions of the globe. Our duty was to enhance the success of the occasion and as a result get rid of more or less 80 tickets. Nearly each day of the week, we had meeting with the members which was aimed at deciding the whole thing in an orderly manner and certainly for sure this was to form the most significant portion of organizing a fruitful happening which was how to sale extra tickets. The whole plan was to have a kind of advertising in areas around that place including shopping centers and municipality centers where it is most convenient to get connected to new people from different social classes, values and ethnic groups who might be in a position to pay attention to that occurrence. Each day of the week information was placed on social networks including face book and communication was done through mail to people we had never met before detailing them on the happening and if fascinated they could purchase the tickets. We positioned a piece of writing on the home daily paper. In an effort to ensure the success of the event, we had two promotions within our shopping center. For the first point in time when we arrived at the shopping center, a lottery was organized giving anyone an opportunity to participate with two tickets for our global daylight tea. This was a chance to create a center of attention for extra individuals to place their names, e-mails and telephone numbers. At the end of that day, we had succeeded in attracting 60 people in our lottery. It was one of our victorious days of the week as we had caught the attention of roughly 60 people who were extremely paying attention to our occasion, we had a