Sunday, February 2, 2020

The governing body for the sport of rifle shooting has a rule to the Essay

The governing body for the sport of rifle shooting has a rule to the effect that the target must be of prescribed dimensions ad must be acquired from an approved source - Essay Example g body for the sport of rifle shooting has a rule to the effect that the target must be of prescribed dimensions and must be acquired from an approved source. The aim of this paper is to analyse this rule and whether it should be legally challenged before the courts. Overtime the European Union’s involvement with sports particularly with standard setting has been increasing. Borja Garcia of the Loughborough University explored the â€Å"origins and development† (2007) of this involvement. Perhaps, the turning point of this involvement was in December 2000 when the â€Å"the European Council agreed to grant the social, educational and cultural functions of sport special status within the European Unions (EU) Treaty framework† (Parrish, 2001, p. 188. Garcia further opined that this involvement is â€Å"a consequence of actors instrumentalising institutional venues to their own benefit† (Garcia, 2007). Ian Blackshaw observed that through the EU â€Å"sport is subject to the ‘acquis communautaire’ – the body of law that has grown up and developed by the Community Institutions, not least the rulings of the European Court of Justice, the guardian of the EC Treaty† (2007). Although the creation of a standard on the dimensions of the target is very sound, restricting the source of the target is bordering on the ridiculous. Too much focus on trivialities can shift the attention from what rifle target shooting means as sports – a measure of marksmanship and skills. Stephen Weatherill, on the other hand, opined that EU’s involvement in the regulation of sports in the European communities is a good thing, but too much is not good either. Specifically, his white paper â€Å"sets out a case for EU intervention in sport where this is necessary and helpful, but it accepts that much sporting activity is not usefully the subject of elaborate EU supervision, and it instead recognises the proper role of other public and private actors. And – contrary to the complaints loudly

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